Experiencing Spiritual Disconnection?
At one point and time, I am sure we can all say that we have felt a little lack in our practice. Sometimes the reason is easy to spot, and a quick fix. While at other times it can seem to be a conundrum of sorts. So how can we go about trying to find a resolution, and feel good about what we are doing? I personally employ a system of self reflection, as often times our personal lives tend to bleed over into our spiritual practice. That way the root cause can be resolved, instead of continually bandaiding the issue.
The Global Picture
Are you so socially connected that you have no time for yourself? For one reason or another you may find yourself here, and not allowing yourself you time. It is perfectly acceptable to let people know that you need you time, in whatever form that may be. There is nothing wrong with unplugging yourself, and giving yourself the time you need for you.
What is your environment like? Think about the people surrounding you in your life, and how they effect you. Friends, family, co-workers, fellow piers, and your community should all be evaluated. Who you let around you will directly impact you as a whole, how you feel, and your energy. Also explore your personal home environment, and how it feels to you. Is it cluttered, chaotic, stagnant, or a mess? For most a clean space feels so much better than a mess. Cleaning, organizing, and removing stagnant energy is also such a great boost and change.
Maybe none of the above is a problem, and your life is absolutely wonderful. This is great to hear, and I'm happy for you! So let's explore some other possible causes.
Auto-Piloting In Your Practice
Something else to think about, is are you on autopilot? Did you get to a situation and a point in your practice, where you just do it? And you don't even think about it, and now there's no presence? Similar to driving around in a daze, and not even thinking about where you are going. Since you are already so familiar with the path, you don't have to.
So take a step back, and think about changes you can make there. Sometimes it's just a matter of realizing you're on autopilot, and consciously being more present. Now maybe you love your routine, and you don't want to change it up. That's fine, but maybe think about some additional things that you can do. Minor changes to where it's still the same, but can add presence back to it so you have that connection.
No Longer Serving You
Or maybe it's not serving you anymore. Which is why there's no connection, and that's okay. It's perfectly fine to take a pause. And whatever it is that you're doing in this practice, and say "Hey, I need something new to fulfill me now. This has run its course, at least for now". Put it in your back pocket to pull from later, and add something else.
It's also perfectly fine to be eclectic in your practice, and pull from where ever you need to. Maybe it's learning something new in the same or similar sect, or from something entirely new. Whatever it is you need in this moment to serve you.
I Hope that this has helped in some way, and that you can get back to being connected in your practice.
Blessed Be!